What We Do
Foresight provides world-class adaptive experiences for people with blindness or low vision. Foresight transcends personal, societal, attitudinal, and physical barriers.
Foresight promotes safety, fun, and independence for people with blindness or low vision and cultivates an individual’s unlimited potential. Foresight does this through accessible and goal-oriented outdoor adaptive experiences.
Foresight's core values
o Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
o Accessibility
o Integrity, Dignity & Respect
o Confidence & Independence
o Health & Fitness
o Pursuit of Excellence
o Safety
o Fun
o Accessibility
o Integrity, Dignity & Respect
o Confidence & Independence
o Health & Fitness
o Pursuit of Excellence
o Safety
o Fun
SAFE, SECURE, COMFORTABLEForesight Adventure Guides for the Blind provides everything our low vision or blind participants (VIPs) need for a safe, comfortable challenge recreation adventure: Specially trained experienced ski guides, lift tickets, top-of-the-line equipment, ground transportation and lodging assistance. |
Safety and Service are PrioritiesForesight's volunteer guides complete an intensive training program that focuses on safety, camaraderie and the pleasures of skiing with a friend. We take full advantage of today’s “smooth-as-silk” snow grooming and offer the world-class amenities and service provided by Vail and Beaver Creek Resorts. You will be assured of skillful, compassionate service with the overriding goal of ensuring your personal safety and comfort. |
Foresight Ski Guides, Inc. is a Colorado corporation with tax exempt, non-profit status as outlined in Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.